
What is Financial Planning?

Financial Planning is a terminology which is most commonly used as synonyms of investment planning or management and widely misutilized in India. Every investor believes that he is doing his

Direct Equity Shares or Equity Mutual Funds-What is better for you?

In my last article on What is Equity? and Why stock prices move up and down? I had discussed in detail about Why equity is an important asset class? and

What is Equity? Why Share Prices move up & down?

Before you start reading this article I would insist you to make sure that you read this entire article thoroughly. Because this article can help you to change your investing

Gold ETF vs Physical Gold.What is better for You?

In my earlier article on “Should I invest in Gold?” I had discussed on whether you should invest in gold or not? How to Accumulate Gold for Marriages? and how

How to accumulate Gold for Marriages?

If you want to accumulate gold for marriage of your children than you should start as early as possible and don’t wait for marriage years to come. In this scenario

Should I Invest in Gold?

  Gold is a favorite asset class for Indians. Generally in India gold is inherited from one generation to another and every time quantity keeps on increasing. In my practice,

Why should you buy Life Insurance and how much?

Life insurance is a very important aspect of financial planning but unfortunately investors are not very clear with primary objective of buying life insurance and how much life insurance they

"Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion"-What is the difference?

  Paying taxes from hard earned money is always a painful task. So every taxpayer tries to reduce his tax liability and there are three ways to reduce tax liability which

Markets at all time high: Should You Invest Now or Wait?

As a financial planner one question that is repeatedly asked to me nowadays is “should I invest in markets now or wait?”.  Therefore I have tried to answer the question